About Us
Our Approach
Our Approach
We exist to bring Waldorf ideas and methods to all. At the heart of our ethos is creating joy in the parenting process, our means is a Waldorf philosophy. We hope to inspire a movement to preserve the magic of childhood. Is is possible to change the world by raising more grounded, connected, happy children? This is what we aim to explore.
Our Story

Ashley Renwick
Founder and Podcast Host
I'm Ashley Renwick . I’m mom to Jasper and a Waldorf School alumna. I’m passionate about sharing information about Waldorf education and Waldorf parenting. When I had my son, I knew I wanted to reconnect with the magical experience I had as a child. I wanted to go deeper, learning more about the pedagogy and even discovering where research has been done to substantiate this philosophy. I started Waldorfy as a way to inspire parents to find joy in raising their WHOLE child. My dream is to create an inclusive community of parents who are interested in learning more about Waldorf education and the study of anthroposophy. As you explore Waldorfy I hope you connect with something that feels good to you, and makes you a happier parent.